Comment Number: OL-10507469
Received: 3/14/2005 11:24:09 AM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


Once again the people in charge of the money have overextended themselves with this nonsense war on terrorism and now are expecting other hard working americans to pay for their foolishness. I want to let you know that the american people are not fooled. Furthermore our feelings are that any elected official that are not voting on issues in our best interest we feel that you should step down if you are afraid to do the job we elected you for. You state that you want to better empower the supervisor in what they have to say concerning employee performance, discipline and evaluation. Well, I suppose it has taken you all long enough to put key prejudiced white rednecks in supervisory positions in order to bring back this new age form of slavery. Well let me inform you that blacks today are not the down trodden blacks of the past and no longer have a yes'm boss mentality. You say that you plan to train supervisors and I'm sure that you have not failed to realize that you can offer classes all you want, but you can't change people who have no desire to change. I work for a supervisor that socializes with her employees during off duty hours and these employees have watched her in her drunken stupors. She pulls them from their work to take extensive and frequent smoke breaks and when their work falls behind, they all get to work overtime on the weekend for 5-6 weeks in order to get caught up. When they have orther financial burdens and overtime has not been aproved she puts them in for awards. Now tell me how the removal of the current greivance process is going the benefit me when my hungover supervisor decides it's time for her to crucify a christian. Many of us already do not have supervisors that perform mid point evaluations to help employees that may not be performing to standards to do better, this won't change with the system you are planning. Slack supervisor jobs are not being threatened and you have some nerve jeopardizng hard working employees pay raises and step increases by putting them in the hands of one sick individual. The current disciplinary system is what is needed and it does work. Your system which is prejudiced toward supervisors will cause as I'm sure you're aware of many good employees to seek employment elseware or be terminated. This appears to be just fine with you because your hope is that these employees will have long service records and you will no longer be required to pay them a retirement salary. It's bad enough that they had to serve thirty years for it, now your hope is that the rednecks you have in charge will fire them before they can collect. However, the climate of today will only take so much. Do you also think it is o.k. that you have perhaps put supervisor lives and other innocent people lives in jeopardy given the climate of people snapping and going to their former jobs on a killing spree or someone being unjustly suspended or removed gets in their vehicles and experience road rage and innocent motorist are injured or killed. You all are truely a piece of work, are all of you atheist or just stupid? This system did not work when it was originally in force because of prejudice and nepotism and it won't work now. You think it is going to be just fine with hard working employees that already get overlooked for promotions to no longer receive annual raises and step increases, that someone's relative or friend, some joe smoe off the street now gets to walk in to a job with a better salary than them? You think that for veterans that have served their county well it's going to be just fine with them that their veteran's status will no longer help them as far as RIF and preference goes. I know you haven't forgotten that it is call preference because the civilian sector prefer hiring us because of the type of employees we have learned to become during our military service. We preferred to continue serving our country as civilians and you now have the gall to tell us nepotism is better