Comment Number: OL-10507786
Received: 3/14/2005 3:07:05 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


I am a Federal DOD employee. I work at an army post and find the "old boy's club" alive and well there. I work for a 2nd line supervisor who does not like me. I receive the highest performance appraisal I can obtain from my 1st line supervisor. My 2nd line supervisor has NEVER seen me work! However, he has the power to say, "NO" to any kind of award my boss feels that I deserve. I go above and beyond my job duties, even taking on the work of others when necessary, to get the job done and do the mission in a timely manner. Under the new proposal, not only will I be treated just as horribly by my 2nd line supervisor, I will NEVER receive a well-deserved raise - because he happens NOT to like me. YOUR proposal of NSPS is taking us back to the dark ages on performance appraisals as well as raises. If your boss doesn't like you, then you are just out of luck. Let's see if the Congressman as well as the Senators would like to work under such a system. After all, none of you pay into Social Security, yet you think it's good for the rest of America. Why can't the rest of us have YOUR retirement plan, after all, we're all Government Employees! No? Well, then why don't YOU buy into our plan and see if that works for YOU. Things would change in a hurry if ALL Government workers were treated equally! NSPS is a LOSE/LOSE situation. We used to work as a team ~ now it will be a cut-throat operation.