Comment Number: OL-10508009
Received: 3/14/2005 4:36:20 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


NSPS as I read it, will allow for some grievous errors within the ranks of Civil Service workers. As a Supervisor, I can see where it will allow for the personal views of Managment and Supervisors to exclude, admonish, belittle and even disallow pay for those that question the "status quo". I would even be hesitant to ask a question from my "superiors" for fear of retribution! I can see where SECDEF had turned this into a "good old boy" system as he has ruled over many, many years as a "Coporate Demigod". We knew this was going to happen and there is nothing that can be done to stop it. It is not a matter of "like it or leave it". It is a matter of human choice on who, what , where, when and how DOD Civilians are treated, assigned, paid and even fired. If you don't "rock the boat", then you will survive. however, ask a questions, disagree or even voice and opinion and you are out with no way back. This will hurt more than help the Civilian workforce and as to assigning one of us overseas at a whim, think again. Want to see some serious Congressional investigations, put this system into to place and see how quick the IG and Congress gets involved. There will be more law suits against the government than ever before. Really people, those of you that stand to gain the most from this will only benefit at the expense of us that do work hard, and think for ourselves. This will only serve to expand on greed, graft and corruption. NSPS will only demoralize the work force farther than it already has gone too. As a DOD Police Officer, we can see this depleting our ranks very quickly. SECDEF wanted it, now he gets a way to rid DOD of us civlians! Thanks for nothing for all the hard work, sacrifice and loyalty to this country that SECDEF is destroying. As a Veteran, I am appalled at this system. Stop it now before you ter this country apart!