Comment Number: OL-10508023
Received: 3/14/2005 4:51:08 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


It sure seems like there is a great effort to give as many American jobs as we can to foreign countries, and with the advent of the A-76 Competitive Sourcing program, it seems there is a great effort to give as many government worker jobs as possible, to industry. Why?! The only reason I can think of is to keep big business earning more profits. Now, comes along NSPS, which says they are going to make things a lot better for the federal worker....based on the two examples above, I very much doubt that the NSPS system will make things "better" for the federal employee. I've worked hard for the government for 35 years, done my military service time, and am a very proud American--all this seems to mean less and less to those who run our government. They keep reducing our benefits, finding ways to take more of our rights, and give us less pay while all this happens. If NSPS is a system designed to make government civilian workers responsible and accountable to the needs of National Security...that sounds like a perfect definition of "Inherental Governmental" (IG) to me; and you can't force people who are in IG jobs to go through competitive sourcing. So what the heck is going on, and what are they truly trying to do?! I am no longer a trusting federal employee--I have been made to feel we are all property that can be used or eliminated as one or two high-level people feel is necessary.