Comment Number: OL-10508025
Received: 3/14/2005 4:55:13 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


I honestly believe that most people (including most supervisors) try to do a good job. However, the new system seems to support the few bad apples among supervisors, with no appeal allowed for the workers. In addition, the new system does not support parents of small children. At 63 years old, I do not have that probem. However, parents of young children are much more likely to be young and strong, therefore more likely to be transferred to war zones. What are such people to do with their children, if they are not given enough notice to arrange for care? Even when I was in the Navy (and as a Navy wife) we were given notice before being transfered anywhere. The same problem applies to work schedules,etc for families with young children and others. For instance, I understand that a member of the 9/11 commission was transfered a long distance from home, with little or no notice, because she disagreed with a management person with respect to the report being developed. Such action is not in the best interest of this country. People who disagree with political appointees, in an effort to do their jobs honestly, to best of their ability, can be punished for it, with no appeal allowed. The new system grants too much power to management, with no appeal allowed to protect workers and the country from the few bad apples.