Comment Number: OL-10508027
Received: 3/14/2005 4:55:33 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


Subpart C Pay, Sections 9901.301 to 9901.373: Employees in DoD should continue to receive the same annual pay across-the board adjustment that other GS/FWS workers receive. Paybanding is not in effect now but because of re-alignment, those re-aligned have received the short end of the stick (have money alloted to their budget, then not receive it). Employees will not receive raises/cost of living increases because their activity cannot afford to pay the staff they presently have on board. This will create employees pay getting cut to pay money for performance. Subpart D Performance Management 9901.401 to 9901.409: Employees should be able to appeal any performance rating to an independent grievance and arbitration process like they can now. Managers are still human, they can be unfair/prejudice. The government is no longer a role model, it is modeling itself after something else (integrity, ethnics and etc will be lost in DoD). The government wants everyone else to have accountablility but not them (legal cost)? Subpart F Workforce Shaping 9901.6012 to 9901.6110: The current layoff/RIF rules should not be changed which gives balanced credit to performance and the employees valuable years of committed service to DoD. This will send a message that our years of quality service, commitment and loyalty means nothing to DoD and that it is all about the moment. If based on high performance for one year, DoD is not using accurate information, the variables for performing high that year may not be the variables for the next year. The experienced person who has the knowledge and experience for the flexible variables may be let go based on the above. Subpart G Adverse Actions 9901.701 to 9901.810: Due process and fairness demand that the independent body reviewing a major suspension as termination be allowed to alter the proposed penalty if they deem it to be unreasonable. The current standards approved by the courts to guide such bodies should continue to be used. Too many times in our court systems we have seen this happen, the innocent pays a high price. People moral values are not like they used to be, they have fewer. There is always two ways of looking at things, we trust that independent body to do just that. Here I see an end to democracy. Subpart I Labor Management Relations 9901.901 to 9901.929: Employees' rights to organize and engage in collective bargaining has worked well since 1978, why change the labor managament law. There is no compelling reason to take away most of the collective bargaining rights or grievance rights. I feel our freedom is being taken away, DoD is striving for communism more so than democracy. A "Company dominated dispute board" should not be created. Any dispute board must be jointly selected by management and Union (not just who stands to gain from this). For years and years it was drilled into Civil Servants minds, the government is not a business. Well now the government wants to run itself like a business, not an Independent organization based on the principles of our forefathers, unity, integrity, comprehension, education, respect, loyalty and etc. All of this will be lost if the above is not modified. "One person can tear down what it took years to build."