Comment Number: OL-10508030
Received: 3/14/2005 4:57:56 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


I am once again appalled that the "powers that be" can make laws for the people and then turn around and break these laws without being held accountable or punishment. If any "common citizen" broke any type of law, they would be held accountable for their actions and punished. What happened to the constitution where the government is supposed to be "for the people, by the people?" The lawmakers should wake up and smell the coffee. There are too many of our children who cannot read, write and do simple math. Parents and lawmakers have to blame someone; why not blame the teachers? Those very same teachers who aren't protected by their government, teachers who often have deplorable working conditions, teachers who have to maintain their education, teachers who have to buy their own supplies, teachers who are spit upon and beaten up because they happened to look at someone, teachers who get little or no respect from students, administrators, parents and the community, teachers who work for little pay in comparison to other professionals who probably do less work and definitely have less responsibility. Teacher’s hands are being tied by more and more ropes. They aren't allowed to discipline and they aren't given credit for all of the extra work and time and yes, money that they put into their jobs. Parents expect teachers to help their children become responsible, knowledgeable citizens who have high morals and standards. Yet, teachers are blamed first for anything that a child might do wrong. Teachers are blamed when the students don’t make straight As. Now, it seems that the very laws that have been written and been put into effect by "our" Congress, whom "we voted into office" are going to be broken by the same people who wrote them. Why is it so difficult to find teachers who stay in their jobs for more than several years? Why do teachers quit a profession for which they trained and love, to go work at jobs that they used to enjoy? Why do teachers have to have “unions” to fight for their rights? This type of silly proposal is one simple and good reason.