Comment Number: OL-10508033
Received: 3/14/2005 5:01:30 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


Most civilians have workd for DoD for years and to have this proposal come about seems that the rug is being pulled right out from us. We work hard and are committed. NSPS destroys objectivity in the way workers are paid, evaluated, promoted, fired, and federal managers are affected by favoritism. As a GS employee, once we reach that high step 10 in the federal system, we are locked in and cannot go higher. We so look forward to the yearly increase and cost of living wages. I do not believe in getting on the -good side- of your supervisor in order to obtain a favorable 'pay for performance'. I do believe teamwork will be destroyed and it will become a "dog eat dog world" more so then it is now. Workers will be afraid to speak out about harassment, and law violations. Most importantly, there will be no impartial appeal system so that everyone is treated fairly. Most of us have families and to work overtime on a short notice or no notice should not be happening. What about those who have to find someone to watch the kids or pick them up because they have to work on a short notice?? There are no guarantees that the best of the workers will even receive a pay raise or it will be fair. All these past years we have passed on to friends to try and get a job in the Federal system because you are treated fairly, the pay is good and your job is secure but now that is no more!