Comment Number: OL-10508053
Received: 3/14/2005 5:16:20 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


Before deciding what comments to make for your perusal, I first previewed a few of the comments that have already been made. It shocks me to read the statements and get a feel of the low morale that has already been brought forth to you. I hear that they want to be trusted to do the jobs that they have been doing successfully and without fail for decades. They agree that there must be some changes to a workable system. But, please, can you tell me how turning a support force into a deployable one would help make a workable system. There are those of us who have the ablility to move and deploy, that volunteer when asked. But, how many more volunteers will you have if you start forcing moves. How many loyal employees, that have given a major portion of their lives working for the government both as military and civilian personnel, will be left when you destroy the confidence they have that they are doing their part?