Comment Number: OL-10508078
Received: 3/14/2005 5:36:30 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


The NSPS Proposal (Specifically sections 9901.601-611 and others) undoes more than 200 years of United States "labor" accomplishments in one swipe, effectively eliminating all power of the union of which I am a member. What seems to be forgotten is that many of the hard-won labor rights have been direct outgrowths of the battles and wars fought from the times when slavery was legal, and "slave wages" were common. The NSPS prosposal would make on-the-spot firing almost an axiom, in the same spirit that has permeated recent cut-throat attitudes in "Big Business" (say Enron). While one could argue that the President of a large company with highly paid employees might have the right to shape his workforce in his own image, it is dangerous to suggest the same applies to areas of National Security such as the Department of Defense work force, or the Federal Drug Administration, or the Transportation Safety Board. Incompetent employees are sometimes allowed to continue because they "suck-up" to even more incompetent managers. Employees in all agencies (not just DOD) who have the courage to stand up for what is right run the risk of retribution when they offend such Managers. The NSPS would appear to be an enabler of even more severe and capricious retribution. The idea that DOD would become an Army of miniature "Rummys" is probably a scary thought to many, never mind the National Security implications. Based on the number of industries I have directly dealt with that have been farmed out to Mexico, India, 1940s era wages, I have sometimes wondered how soon before Osama Bin Laden Jr. will be occupying my desk (i.e., U.S. National Security contracted out to a Foreign Country). Donald Rumsfeld's NSPS would seem to make that absurd suggestion one step closer to reality. Government service is "not just a job", but is also a responsibility that most of us take seriously. Without safeguards available to ensure that good people can do the right thing without fear of retribution, there is in fact a serious threat to National Security, Health and Safety. The NSPS system needs to be examined carefully throughly by Congress, not simply shoved down everyone's throat. Some hard questions need to be answered.