Comment Number: OL-10508082
Received: 3/14/2005 5:39:37 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


I have worked for the Federal Gov't for almost 19 years and I am concerned that the proposed NSPS could foster an unhealthy environment between employee and management, and between employees. Basing the pay on employee performance is a good goal. However, I do not see any strong precautionary or disciplinary measures to make sure that supervisors do not abuse their power in rating employess they do not like poorly or unfairly rewarding employees they do like. I do not see enough boundaries in place to keep this new system from creating a potentially hostile, uncooperative, low morale, less productive workplace. There is a difference between healthy (team work, creativitity, etc.) and unhealthy (manipulation, favoritism, mistrust, etc.) competition. This new system needs to make sure the wrong type of competition is not created. It also appears to me that there is reason to believe this may cause more law suits that would further drain the resources of the Federal Gov't. as more employees may feel they are unjustly rated. With this new pay system, there is more incentitive to go this route. The concept is good, but the fair implementation of the NSPS could be a disaster.