Comment Number: OL-10508926
Received: 3/15/2005 11:30:01 AM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


I would offter that this system will be subject to much abuse. Having been a supervisor for much of my CS career, I can assure you that the "good ole boy" network will surely be in effect. My current supervisor has stated that she has yet to see any GS-14's that deserve any kind of award and/or promotion. Isn't that a rosy scenario for this well educated, hard working civil servant during the last year's of my career. At least in the present scenario I can look forward to step increases even without her attitude. I think that who will prosper in the NSPS will be some who are truly deserving, but the majority will be the so called "boot lickers" and "yes" men that abound. It's tough for me to get any kind of qualified , written standards of what is expected out of me performance wise, since the buffone that is above me doesn't know. Further, the agency here has made no attempt to educate her on what it is she's trying to accomplish anyway. Rumsfeld and company, have shown themselves to be the kings of partronage so far during the last 5 years. What leads the American people to believe that the cadre of mostly dedicated civil servants will be treated even remotely fairly, given what has transpired under Mr. Bush during his first term. At best, he, as well as his head henchman, Mr. Rumsfeld, seem intent on privatizing the civilian workforce so their Republican cronies can make even more money. I would offer that most of my peers, and those who have worked with and for me over the past 25 years, do an honest days work, and as such should be compensated fairly. I think under the system proposed by this administration, that will NOT happen. Actually, the proposed system brings to mind the state of our country during the 1930's and 40's in the states of Mississippi and Alabama as a matter of fact. In closing, let me say it seems premature to approve a replacement of the Civil Service pay plan that's evolved over the past 50 years with something that has very little written documentation to even be able to comment on. Should we allow the Bush administration to ramrod through a new pay system that affects the bulk of civil servants before they even have the details flushed out enough for us to comment on? I should think not!!! Once again, Mr. Bush asks us to "just trust me". He alleges to have the best interests of our great country at heart. Maybe the best interests of his gold lined Republican cronies!!! This new system needs go back from whence it came....the swamp. Our senators and congressman need to ask the hard questions and support those of us who have supported our country whilst this rich kid was filling his nostrils will cocaine and swilling beers in the White House while his daddy had the reigns of our great land. Did time make him any smarter than he was 20 years ago? I think not. His personnel plan is indeed a pig in a poke, not the well thought out successor to our current civil service plan. Does that suprise anyone, given the way he's handled Iraq? His planning looks like a dice roll to this long time civil servant. Vote no to NSPS. Be gone with it for good.....