Comment Number: OL-10509391
Received: 3/15/2005 3:01:44 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


I find it remarkable, to say the least, that the attitude of the NSPS committee is to forge ahead and implement the system. I have spent over an hour reading some of the NSPS regulations and the last forty-five minutes skimming through the comments received and am amazed that this system is a 'go'. I purposely picked pages at random and clicked on the comments at random and found that they all have the same feeling about this system - IT IS A 'NO-GO'. I question what the motivating factor behind each of the originators is or the 'brains' behind the NSPS to invent a new system that will make life more miserable for the common worker when the current system, I will admit, could use a little maintenance and upgrade. Are there offspring of the members of the NSPS committee who will be graduating from college soon, will need a job and to make the market less competitive there is now a new system to weed out those who are considered 'lame ducks'? Is the entire Civil Service the MCI of all agencies (Friends and Family)? It is a joke that persons are encouraged to make comments when it is apparent the system will go into play in June/July 2005 - or did I read that incorrectly? I would support the NSPS system if I was allowed to rate my supervisor on his/her abilities and performance and let that be a determining factor on whether a raise is granted to the supervisor or not. How redundant can you get? The cost of living goes up annually, I am not allowed to receive technical training because of my position, I am not in a highly paid or competitive position, promotion is a four letter word - 'can't', I would end up living in poverty upon retirement but considered above the poverty level so State assistance would be out of the question, I'm getting older and my health is naturally deteriorating therefore my financial needs for health maintenance will increase because health care will increase - but my pay won't, and one person decides my fate as to how much of a raise I am to get annually, if at all. Get real! READ, REALLY READ ALL THE COMMENTS SUBMITTED! I appreciate change and enthusiasm - but this system is not the answer. If a raise for the members of the NSPS task force was dependent upon what has been submitted and graded by the 'real' workers, do you they would get a raise? Take it back to the table and burn it.