Comment Number: OL-10509394
Received: 3/15/2005 3:03:02 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


Sirs: I do not understand! I have been a trusted and loyal servant for the US Government for twenty years. Now all of a sudden you feel that I am a henderance to the security of the nation? You would rather have a workforce that is not tried and true! You would prefere to remove all that I have worked for and replace it with a system much like a person in the armed forces, take away all my rights and privileges earned over the years. I have been paying in Social Security for about 45 years. I am not sure there will be anything when I retire! I feel the people controling our money are much more of a problem to the National Security than I am! Can you show me one instance where the DOD Workforce has created a problem towards National Security? So, Why are you singling us out as the problem? Please do not implement the NSPS Regulations that reduce my personnal security. I deserve better treatment than this. I earned it! If it were not for trusted workers such as myself, the ships and their sailors would not be as safe as they are. It is our workforce that comprises the backbone of our National Security. Someone of your importance should be the first to recognize this fact and support our workers. Not treat them as if they were the enemy! Thank You. Version Date 2/28/2005 Remarks File MIME Type text/html