Comment Number: OL-10509406
Received: 3/15/2005 3:09:10 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


Performance Management Department Supervisors: I know that some Federal Employes should not have their jobs. This does effect the office output. But a bad supervisor hinders the office subordinates, greatly deminishes the weapons system or project that the supervisor is suposed to be sheperding. Yet there is no mention on how to remove this person or process to do so? A bad supervisor is incredibly destructive to DOD. Adverse Actions and Appeals Under the current system appeals take up to five years to bring to conclusion. How many more people are to be hired to handle this addition workload in the time that you are stating. I realize that all Federal Employes are guilty until proven innocent, but shouldn't the supervisor have to submit the paperwork to the board before action is taken on the employee? Hiring and Staffing Flexibilities If Department supervisors can transfere personnel to better accommodate staffing needs. Why are people left in non-core areas in stead of being moved to the core areas? I take it that the supervisors know where the important work is happening. If personnel are left in non-core areas is that not a fault of management? Yet you punish the employee instead of the manager.