Comment Number: OL-10509410
Received: 3/15/2005 3:11:21 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


The new National Security Management System appears to me to be a poorly thought out set of changes that will result in a lot of worker discontent. As a military retiree who had civilians working for me throughout my career I am really pleased that I never had to work with this proposed system. I have never been one to shirk responsibility but the new system of determining pay incentives sounds very difficult. When I was in Germany I had twelve Community Health Nurses who worked for me. They each had separate jobs and worked independently. There performance was measured against the standards set for each particulare job not against each other. There is no way to compare the responsibilities of the nurse who works in Hanau versus the nurse who works in Frankfurt. There were some similarities but the programs were geared to the needs of the community not some standard thatIthought up. So had I had to rate the nurses against each other how could I have made any decision? Should I have measured them based on who I personally liked? Deployment for civilians is also an interesting issue. Today I was listening to a program on NPR that discussed how deployments have been so devastating for families of Reservists and National Guardsmen and I expect the same kind of program for the families of DOD Civilians who never factored in deployments when they hired on. I really love the Army but some of the decision making that goes on just makes me shake my head and wonder if any thinking was done before the decision was reached. The proposed NSPS really changes the present system in particularly sensitive areas; money and duty assignment. Does anyojne really think that this is going to be readily accepted?