Comment Number: OL-10509420
Received: 3/15/2005 3:13:42 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


In reference to the proposed National Security Personnel System, you are creating a subservient class of federal employees. A class that must conform to the dubious whims of their masters like a lap dog or have their livelihood substantially reduced. You will create an environment of suppression, harassment, and fear based solely on the qualitative aspects of someone in a supervisory position. An environment in which how well you succeed and how much your income fluctuates depends upon how well liked you are by your supervisors. The more well liked the more you make, the less well liked the less you receive. You have not delineated in quantitative measures how a person is judged on job performance and contributions to the organization; instead leaving the judging to the personal biases of the supervisor. You state that the intent is to hire and retain the best and brightest for the good of the organization; however, the best and brightest will not remain in a system where their income isn’t based on their abilities but are instead based on how well they ingratiate themselves with their supervisor. You will be left with only incompetent “yes men”. You state that you held numerous “town-hall meetings” to gain input and perspective for this endeavor. The “town-hall meeting” that I attended had one simple line of thought “…this is what we’re doing. Accept it or get out.” Perhaps our definitions of what a “town-hall meeting” is are different. My definition is that the participants listen to each other, and when there are concerns those concerns are addressed, not dismissed. There are also too many relevant items that have yet to be determined by DOD. Too much authority over civilian employees is being passed from the Office of Personnel Management into the hands of the Department of Defense.