Comment Number: OL-10509425
Received: 3/15/2005 3:16:33 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


This is basically a controlled OER/FITREP system for DoD civilians. It is a patronage pay system. As civilian employee's in DoD we are treated as second class citizens. I am tired of having my patriotism questioned because I don't wear a uniform. I choose to serve my country as a civililan, and my dedication to our mission is no less. The proposed pay raise in the FY06 budget does not offer parity for civilians and active duty yet under NSPS a civilian could be reassigned anywhere in the world. I did not enlist in the military when I became a civil servant in DoD. I am very concerned that employee protection under the law will be reduced- the Congressional investigation into the OSC (Whistleblower-Merit Protection Board-Mr. Bloch) is a perfect example of things to come. We just received a letter from the Secretary that we must be above board regarding ethics and procurement in DoD- how is NSPS going to foster that when your one supervisor determines not only your financial fate but can re-assign you whenever they want and you have no recourse. What if Darleen Druyun had been my boss and I questioned her on the Boeing Tanker deal? I acknolwedge that there is room for improvement in civil service but a complete overall that is being pushed through without a lot of thought concerns me. If you were to ask a civilian DoD employee what motivates them I think you will hear that it's the mission not the money, we are dedicated employees. If we were all only motivated by the almighty dollar I don't think public service would be our first choice. It's a pitty for the Department of Defense and the country that you are going to lose the talent you are so desperately seeking.