Comment Number: OL-10509432
Received: 3/15/2005 3:18:31 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


As a concerned registered voter/civilian employee, I have issues with all the sections of the proposed regulation regarding the NSPS it seems to me that there is no safe guard for the workforce/civil service employee. To protect the rights of each and every individual as a US citizen in which our fore fathers have fought for many years ago. In shedding their blood, sweat and tears for. I am aretired military/disabled vetern. I was told that I have a veterns preference during a Rif. Not so, I went through two rifs and found out in the fine print of 5CFR that retirees are excluded. This type of information makes me pay very much attention to the comments of the OPM executive and the Security about the system. I see the truth being stretched because they are telling us that we are aready signed up for deployments. Where is this ? I did not sign and I did my duty in southeast asia. They also told us we would not lose any money when it starts. Now they say locality pay is going away. The is $6, 000 for me, but I won't loose any money. I have witnessed over the past 15 years as a GS employee so much favoritism in the appraisal and promotion system. The managers have a quato system for the good supervisors, however it was illegal to say so. With these things in mine, Why, and how is the NSPS going to be a better system. Any one in their right mine would not try to implement such a large system in a small time period. A phase in type of system, with lesson learned to fix mistakes as you go along withe comments from employees and managers.