Comment Number: OL-10509437
Received: 3/15/2005 3:19:30 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


Are we under "Dictatorship"? Just in case you are wondering-we might as well be. What ever happen to the voice of the people? Seems as though the voices vanished over time. NSPS- is something Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld put in place because he is not getting enough people to volunteer for military service. Now he wants civilians within the Department of Defense to go into hostile areas without any say-he might as well give us a weapon and BDUs-instead of civilians-we are now soldiers. To eliminate Veterans preferences will be a critical blow to our soldiers that are in Iraq fighting for our country. To all you Veterans that are out there-you should take heed to this situation, and respond to this NSPS. For many years Veterans have been protected from RIFs, and had hiring rights. According to the NSPS these rights will be null and void. If these rights are taking away-the 100,000 plus Veterans now serving in Iraq will have a difficult time getting employment shortly after they get out of service-is this fair? From my assessment this NSPS isn't going to work. There will be too much favoritism when it comes time to promote an individual. This program or system will give supervisors a lot of flexibility to hire and fire as they see fit-based on your performance. I say vote it out-this system has to many flaws.