Comment Number: OL-10509440
Received: 3/15/2005 3:21:42 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


I feel the section of the NSPS that allows the immediate supervisor to have direct control over step raises, cola, termination, rif actions, promotions, assignments, etc. without regard to seniority or veteran's preference is wrong. To base an individuals worth solely on performance would work in a totally personally unbiased workplace, but there should be a component that guarantees job security protection based on seniority and veteran's preference. I have observed in many activities at the work place that the system is currently plagued by favoritism, "family member and buddy buddy protection", and special preference to individual workers who are friends of the supervisor. Many supervisors already have "special employees" are allowed to dodge work assignments and do only the work they desire, while other employees are required to meet production quotas on whatever work the supervisor assigns them. At present a biased supervisor would not have influence over an individuals step raises since the are based on longevity. Also senority and veteren's preference currently protects workers from rif actions and unfair termination practices. With NSPS the supervisor will have the tool to eliminate at will and deny raises without regard to senority or veteren's preference. This performance based system would work if all supervisors were personally unbiased in their decisions and made their decisions based solely on performance. However, many fear most will not and those that work hard will continue to work hard and the "special ones with connections" will be the ones that continue to get special treatment, raises, and protection against termination/rif. As a member of the Reserves, 90-91 Gulf War Vet, and civilian employee of the DOD I feel that all the veterans and military personnel that have served their time honorably and would desire employment with the DOD have earned the right to have veteran's preference and senority count. Many desire to enter civilian service after the military to receive the benefits and job security that the federal government currently offers. NSPS will modify or eliminate this type of job security. Our veterans and military deserve better than NSPS especially while our country is engaged with the War on Terrorism.