Comment Number: OL-10509444
Received: 3/15/2005 3:24:39 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


Friend of the Supervisor: In my organization all the supervisors of civilians are active duty military, and these persons transfer/relocate nearly every two years. How are we to receive adequate recognition from supervisors who don't know us, and in many cases, don't care to know us. Not only are they in and out, when they are here, the majority of them have no interest in civilians-how do we rate with that kind of attitude? Our pay is under a civilian pay budget from Air Combat Command in VA - if they have a specific budget for payroll, how are we to ever have an increase in salary, should a non-caring military supervisor care to give us a performance-based raise when there is a budget ceiling. PAY: Deletion of the annual quality of life increase normally takes care of the increase in health insurance rates - if that is deleted we take another cut in pay to create that adjustment. In addition, how are people supposed to plan for future house mortgages, car loans, retirement, etc, if you never know what your pay is. Families have to have some security in knowing the amount of money they have to provide. NSPS removes any continuity and security in your work life, especially for older workers. What is to stop management from deciding a 50 or 60-year-old worker is just too old and they want to fill that slot w/ a younger, "more productive" employee? If they have a will, they will find a way. Partly I am very upset that all of this was dreamed up and invented and then dropped on us as law, without our even knowing about it in the first place. We, the work force of America, had no options, no choice about such a major change in our work lives. It's like it or lump it. Where is the proof that the existing system was not good for national security?? I think the new proposed system is for the birds. No one can tell us any concrete details - what is pay banding, etc - because no one has dreamed them up yet but we are supposed to just trust our livelihood to someone who had a brainstorm of an idea? Hopefully while they are dreaming up the rest of NSPS they won't be having MORE nightmares.