Comment Number: OL-10509453
Received: 3/15/2005 3:28:02 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


The Case for Action 7552, Civilians must complement & support the military around the world in every time zone/every day, In 20 yrs of service to my government as a DOD civilian I have never seen the need to be deployed or reassigned The DOD civilain population do not were a green suit and did not sign up to be deployed! We already serve our military to it's fullest! This is not realy a new thing, in the past DOD Civilains have been asked on a VOLUNTARY basis to do so AND many have done so! This NEW system would now allow this to happen with out negotations SO IT APPEARS THAT IN REALITY THIS NEW SYSTEM IS ONLY A MEASURE TO GET RID OF UNION REPRESENTATION! COME ON LETS GET REAL PAY FOR PERFORMANCE ISN'T that WHAT WE ALREADY HAVE HAD FOR YEARS OR THAT'S WHAT WE'VE BEEN TOLD PAGE 7553, There is postively NO connection between the Events of Sept 11 and our personnel system, NSPS diffentaly would not of made a difference in that tragiety or not. That was a seceruity issue certinally not a DOD Civilain issue. Think the pots calling the kettle black there! Pg 7553, the dept uses military or contractors when civilains could of been the right answer! well it's not the DOD civilians who made those choises to use a contractor! We here won all 4 of our commercial studies & have yet to be staffed to those levels those studies showed we needed to do our mission. This idea of useing contractors to do our jogs is certinally not our idea.For some reason management has been required by higher headquarters to continue to contract out function again NOT the decision of the DOD civilian employee. Pg 7557, Continuing collaboration process, what process will it be for the Secretary to determine how many union repes to include in this process COME ON GET REAL THIS REALY IS ABOUT UNION BUSTING! Pg 7558, Paybanding Ha Thats a bunch of crap too! It's going to only create much desention among co-works! Also hasen't this system been designed for the National Defense Secutiry Department? and if so, wouldn't it be a SMARTER thing to implement it with that Department before forcing it on everone else Again the Secretary is jumping the gun instead of makeing sure it will work for the Department it was designed for first! NOT A SMART DECISION! THINK THIS ENTIRE PROCESS NEEDS TO GO BACK TO THE DRAWING TABLE TO BE REWORKED A BIT MORE, MORE SO BUY THE PEOPLE WHO ARE GOING TO WORK UNDER SUCH A PROGRAM, SOMEONE WHO HAS ALL PARITES BEST INTREST