Comment Number: OL-10509454
Received: 3/15/2005 3:29:00 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


The Proposed Rules in 5 CFR Chapter SCIX and Part 9901 transforms the current environment where Management has responsibility but limited authority to a future environment where Management has authority but limited responsibility. The new transformed environment smacks at the possibility of favoritism, dysfunctional conflict that hinders group performance, rapid turnovers, and a possible lack of commitment to the military mission. If it has been discovered that defining work, managing people, assessing and rewarding performance, and advancing personnel is an inherent weakness, then changing the practices as described in this document will likely not solve the managerial problems but could rather intensify the problems. The document insinuates that civilians are slackers that do not pull their weight. I have found civilians to currently be an integrated, flexible, and responsive member of the military team. We are not two work forces; we are two parts of the same cohesive force. Civilian members are the corporate memory that helps the process to move smoothly when military members rotate out for a new assignment or are deployed and when new members come aboard. Government employees are governed through regulations and directed by supervisors. If the process for hiring new staff is cumbersome and slow, change the regulations for that particular process; however, it should not be assumed that all facets of government employment needs to be revamped. This document needs more planning and more work. Three weeks work to change the entire DOD practices ensures confusion and likely failure.