Comment Number: OL-10509459
Received: 3/15/2005 3:31:07 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


My first statement is a general overview of the entire proposal. NSPS is not good for the Federal Employee or America. The proposed regulations repeatedly states that more detail will be provided by "implementing issuances" at some point in the future. It's like putting the horse before the cart. Lets propose bullets on NSPS and work from there at a later time after implementation. Would you buy a car without driving it first? I agree that the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 needs updated and improved but to trash the entire system in favor of a single agency personnel system that can be changed whenever the agency head feels like it does not represent progress. The proposed NSPS is narrow minded and petty. NSPS will not attract or retain a high quality workforce but will have the opposite effect which opens the doors to outsourcing to all sorts of undesirables which within itself will be a national security problem. Todays Federal Employees are without a doubt the finest and most honorable people in America. They are the heartblood of America. By ripping their hard fought rights from them as proposed in NSPS you are forsaking these hardworking individuals in lue of a lesser and questionable individuals on a Rumfield folly. The American taxpayer will pay for what they get. Cost will soar for a services that you are now getting for a preminum from the Federal worker whoes rights are protected under the current USC. Productivity will drop as a result of constent turnover of these lesser qualified indivduals who leaves and those who stays only concern is to rub elbows with their supervisors. NSPS is misnamed, It should be called GOBS (Good Old Boys System) That way these workers will do only what their supervisors say to do. No more no less. NSPS will eliminate indivuallity, no more working out of the box to solve problems in a professional manner, only automatons whos sole purpose is to please their master. NSPS proposed rules would limit the use of independent grievance and arbitration process. End civil service protection. End meaningful collective barganing for these workers. End seniority rules on layoffs and reduction-in-force. Allow managment to decide who gets raises and change work hours and require civilian deployments anywhere in the world at will. Cancel big portions of existing collective bargaining agreements. In short, decades of civil service laws enacted by Congress now disappear in "spirals" down the drain. You can pay employees what you want to pay them, without reguard to laws passed by Congress. You can promote them when you want to promote them, without reguard to laws passed by Congress. You can fire them when you want to fire them, without reguard to laws passed by Congress and judging by proposed regulations, without reguard to the United States Constitution either. NSPS IS BAD BUSNESS FOR ALL. I have been a Civil Servant for over 33 years. I am the Chief of Maintenance on a flood control project in eastern Kentucky. I am the Vice President of AFGE Local 1938 and represent over 500 field workers in Kentucky, West Virginia, Ohio and Virginia. I know all these dedicated workers by their first names. We are strongly apposed to NSPS and pray that commen sence will prevail and this proposed regulation will be filed in the round filing cabinet where it belongs. Steven L Baker Vice President AFGE, Local 1938