Comment Number: OL-10509469
Received: 3/15/2005 3:35:52 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


The explanation of how NSPS is designed is vague at best. It is unclear as to how the formula for pay increases will work. Patricia Adams, in her presentation, stated that cost of living is independent of NSPS regulations. The written explanation of the system seems to indicate that all funds will pool into a single reservoir. This creates a potential for no advancement and /or inflationary adjustments if you are not in the upper tiers. The system creates an inherent “Good Ole Boy” network. The individuals who share a common interest with the supervisor look forward to the best treatment. Where employees now work together for the better good, it would create a situation where we would have to compete against each other. Union representation is unique to the particular situation yet the regulations seem to indicate that all negotiations must be handled at a single binding level. A machinist would not be well represented by a clerk’s interests even if they are in the same union. As Federal employees we have sacrificed the potential rewards of higher paying civilian positions for certain rights and responsibilities. NSPS is asking us to sacrifice those rights and increase our burden by making our immediate managers unaccountable. We need to know we can count on our protection under the current system.