Comment Number: OL-10509470
Received: 3/15/2005 3:36:43 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


I want to say the "regulation" is very complex and difficult to read. I only had a short time to try to get a grasp of the language. I believe it is futile to make any comments as I believe this regulation is a "done deal" It does not matter what I or others have to say. Section 9901 Subpart I (.901-926) Comment: I am most concerned about the collective barganing section. We have few rights as it is, my union cannot bargin pay, vacation, or health bennifits, amoung others. This is a clear and deliberate attempt to break the unions! Overall comment: I as most of my fellow DoD employees come to work every day and do the best job we can do. We give our time -both paid and unpaid overtime, and put our soldiers first. We currently have a policy in place to remove "dead beats", without punishing the majority who give more than thier forty hours work for forty hours pay. Discarding the entire Department of Defense personnel system is just one more way the government is taking away our rights. As I stated earlier, this system is a "done deal" we really don't have a say. Nothing will change with these comments. The Secretary of Defense wants this system he will get it. Page 7561 Pay administration: "The hiring official will detremine starting pay based on available labor market considerations..." COMMENT: I can only guess how this is going to work. The installation where I work hires whom they please when they please and how much that "retired command sergarent major" will be paid, these postitions were not "advertised" as required. Imagine what will happen after this new system is implimented!! The regular civilian won't (and doesn't) have a chance. Page 7565 " ... only the Secretary may ... give me a break, the Secretary is going to be looking at those of us at the botton of the food chain?