Comment Number: OL-10509471
Received: 3/15/2005 3:36:46 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


I am strongly opposed to the proposed National Security Personnel System (NSPS). I have been a federal employee for over 25 years and continue to work for our armed service men and women today. This type of dangerous change is appalling. To take rights of individuals to chose where we work, taking control from my local management in order to make me more flexible and responsive is not to be taken lightly. The federal workforce is made up of dedicated many men and women who may not be able to be deployed at a moment's notice without severe effect on families. This must be stopped now. With our soldiers in harm's way each day, we, the workforce supporting our troops, must be able to continue to do so without the threat of the Defense Secretary deciding to move our jobs or lowering our pay just because he can. This type of power is dangerous and must not be allowed to happen.