Comment Number: OL-10509479
Received: 3/15/2005 3:41:18 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


This system appears to be completely arbitrary and almost bereft of lower level oversight. How can we function effectively as government employees if we are more concerned with how much our managers like us than how effective we are at our work? The system also seems to be set up around the assumption that someone you work with is doing nothing and benefiting from the rigidity of the current system. What would happen if I was an exceptional employee in an office full of exceptional employees? Would I or one of my co-workers raises or bonuses be denied because of a problem or action that may make m appear less worthy than the rest? Rigidity may help benefit those who may not be very effective, but it also protects those of us who do our jobs effectively but may not get along with our bosses. The DoD seems a little too eager to take that safety net away from us. What type of guidance will our managers be given to rate our performances, if any? As stated before, the arbitrary nature of this system makes me doubt its effectiveness and more importantly, its fairness. Also, as per the AFGE: I am concerned that these proposals seem to treat the employees who help defend our country as the enemy. Most DoD employees work hard and are committed. I believe that mistreating the employees will hurt the agency’s mission. I am very upset by NSPS. This system will change the way workers are paid, evaluated, promoted, fired, scheduled, and treated. These rules would create a system in which federal managers are influenced by favoritism rather than serving the civil concerns of the American people.