Comment Number: OL-10509481
Received: 3/15/2005 3:41:32 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


This is an injustice, a travesty! All our entitlements as civil servants are being taken away. Managers will have full reign over employees with no avenues of redress. Managers would need to be mature enough to be unbiased and able to treat employees fairly for them to wield their unrestrained power over employees. Unbiased and mature? Not hardly! Where in the law will they be held accountable for THEIR actions and THEIR behavior. The management officials where I work can do no wrong and are family among other management officials. The EEO Office should prepare for an overhaul of complaints since the Union will no longer be a outlet for justice. Gone are the days where civil servants will be honored, respected, and privileged to forego job opportunities in the private industry only to proudly work for his/her government and its officials. Furthermore, denial of locality pay is absolutely ridiculous! If you're working in a certain area, you should be paid for it! Not depending on whether your supervisor likes you or not to give you the money. I can see that the effort here is to run away every undesirable individual with which management officials may have crossed a negative path. Somehow this is a threat to national security. God bless our society and America's inevitable downfall.