Comment Number: OL-10510109
Received: 3/16/2005 4:09:18 AM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


Performance Based Pay Section 7560 does not identify intervals in which a normal Pay increase could be expected. Under the current system, STEP increase are clearly defined. Under NSPS, pay increase is only defined as performance based. Clearly, this leaves the determination up to the Manager/Supervisor. Without any base for a pay increase, a Civil Servant could perform above expectations and be told by a Manager/Supervisor no increase is warranted because not enough time has past since the last increase. Without any expectations for increases other than a promise that if I work hard I will get a pay raise is insufficient. The determination of what defines cause for a pay increase will vary from Manager to Manager. While some Managers will reward the top performers, others will use this system to reward/spread the wealth no mater how undeserving some performers are. There is no check or balance here. Additionally, if a performer works above expectations, several years could pass without a pay increase with they only determining factor being how a Manager perceives performance. There are too many Managers with too many different perceptions. This new system should at the very least identify intervals in which a normal pay increase could be expected. Performance based pay increases can still be the determining factor however; Managers must be equipped with a baseline.