Comment Number: OL-10510118
Received: 3/16/2005 4:44:20 AM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


Being an educator I always strive to keep myself abreast of new changes, new ways to teach, and continuing my education to make myself an exceptional educator. Along with this are changes. Some I don't care for and yet others have allowed me to complete my goals more efficiently. Having battled the "good old boy system" upon my family's arrival at our new duty station, I believe there should be a way to reward those who do their job well, and a way to "retire" those that have been in the system enough years. However, this should not be done while taking away the rights that our forefathers so bravely fought to gain. Many men and women have suffered and eventually given the ultimate sacrifice to give us the right to protect ourselves. The proposed NSPS regulation will deny employees the right to a fair hearing of their appeals for adverse actions taken against them by the Department. This regulation also violates Congress' specific instructions to ensure independent third party reviews of the Department's labor relations decisions. I would like to see DoD, OPM, and all labor leaders get together and work collaboratively to develop a new system that will be in the best interests of all parties involved. We proudly state we are a democratic government, we listen to our people, we represent our constituents, and we teach these beliefs to the world; so then how can we allow this type of bullying to take away what we are? The last line in the Pledge of Allegiance says it all, "and justice for all."