Comment Number: OL-10510132
Received: 3/16/2005 6:04:00 AM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


Workforce shaping The DOD seems to be placing a lot of trust in DOD supervision. As a current DOD employee our biggest current problem seems to be poorly trained and poorly qualified supervisors. Who will protect us from these yes men if you give them more power? Appeals subpart H You seem to be taking away or narrowing my appeals rights. As I stated earlier our biggest current problems seems to stem from be poorly trained and poorly qualified supervisors. Who will protect us from these yes men if you give them more power? Appeals to MSPB You seem to be taking away or narrowing my appeals rights. As I stated earlier our biggest current problems seems to stem from be poorly trained and poorly qualified supervisors. Who will protect us from these yes men if you give them more power? This legal stuff is hard to read but it seems to say I can appeal to MSPB but if DOD doesn’t like the legal answer they get they can modify or overturn the MSPB judges decision. I just hope my boss’s brother in-law doesn’t apply for my job or I may be in serious trouble. If the boss now exclusively judges my worth and my appeal rights are narrowed and then even if a MSPB judge finds in my favor DOD can still act against me. I always thought that Federal employees were part of the solution to national security issues not part of the problem. This whole thing looks like an excuse to weaken labor and employee rights remove oversight of DOD actions and generally weaken individual rights and protections. I am afraid this may make working for the federal sector less attractive to the highly qualified and motivated employees we want to attract and more attractive to my bosses brother in-law.