Comment Number: OL-10510135
Received: 3/16/2005 6:08:39 AM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


Supervisor ability to withhold rasies. I'm concern that if my supervisor does not like or get along with me, that I will not be given pay increases. This is from personal experiance as I was often ask and did infact perform josb/responsibilty at a higher level. Over a period of three - to four years, yet due to the fact my supervisor and I have total difference of personality. I was over look for Step Increases, Special Act Awards etc. Often I was manning a Three to Four Person section either by myself or with just one other(Incoming personnel) who was at a higher grade and I was require to train them. This often got awrds and I didn't because of our personality clashes. Then new system will allow abuse of this in my opinion, as many supervisor are not actualy skill in that area, just have the position. They also seem to not care about lower ranking personel, only those near or above their level. I'm not whinning just stating what I've seen and been thourgh. I been with GS Sysytem for 7 years and allowing the supervisor this much control is not a good ideal. With cost of living continually going up a regular increase in pay (is almost mandotry) to live. I can assured you that the GS11 level and above will be getting inceases annualy while the lower grades will often be the ones doing the majority of the work and getting little or nothing to show for it.