Comment Number: OL-10510142
Received: 3/16/2005 6:34:11 AM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


All power is with the supervisor/manager. There must be a check/balance system. Unfortunately we do not live in a “perfect world” nor do we have “perfect people”. No matter how hard one tries you still bond more with those that you have things in common with than those you do not find common ground with. It is human nature that the manager will lean toward those he/she relates to. I see it happen everyday and went through it when I was in a manager role. As other comments have noted, the good old boy network will flourish even more. Sexual performance will be a basis for monetary gain. America is a diverse culture. As such government employees are diverse. The nation was built on diversity. The NSPS will be intolerable of those that do not look the “image” or talk “the image” (in the opinion of the manager). The Federal Service has embraced those who are handicapped or those who have some difficulties but who can still contribute and make a difference to themselves, others and their families. Where and how can these contributors exist? Also, if you are not fortunate enough to be part of the “in crowd” with your supervisor and do not receive pay increases how can you be expected to support your family when the cost of living is increasing so dramatically? Another side of this is the fact that the supervisor/manager can choose to give the “high profile” work to select people. Thereby, effectively cutting off any chance to make a significant contribution to the agency (in order to receive a monetary award). I see this happen every day in my current position. I see men receive the high profile projects and included in the higher echelon meetings. The women are given little insignificant projects (classified insignificant at rating time by the supervisor). Also women are given clerical/secretarial duties to support the office. The NSPS will make a difference in the caliber of worker but are these the kind of people you want to depend on to pay your military and do what is needed to get the job done in time of crisis? I think you need to take a hard look and decide if you want “image” or do you want those of us who have given blood, sweat and tears to get the very best job done on time and accurately? Do you want us focused on discrimination, sexual favors and office politics? Or, do you want a staff of focused diverse people bringing forward individual ideas into a group and hammering out a plan to get a job done in the best way possible. Or, do you want a group of people who dress alike, act alike and talk alike gathering at the table to decide the right course of action. And play games to see who can stab someone else in the back or set them up for failure so they can be the top dog in the office and will get the most money? Say no to NSPS. Let’s come up with a better plan that will really do what needs to be accomplished to improve the current civil service system.