Comment Number: OL-10510148
Received: 3/16/2005 6:48:37 AM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


After working 24 years for the DOD, I believe that we are heading down a path of secrecy. The more we close the doors to open union dialog, the more we invite wrong doing and hidden deals. I do not believe there is a legitimate need for a complete overhaul of our existing system. In fact, four years ago the DOD took a position that did not allow multiple air national guard states to be seen as the same collective bargaining party. This in itself would have created a streamline affect by allowing for one contract to be created for the entire Air National Guard. It would have streamlined resources, and would have put all Air National Guard members under the same set of rules. This action was proposed by the Association of Civilian Technicians, and ultimately was defeated in court for limiting reasons. Now this new buzz acronym *NSPS* is using very similar reasons for wanting to do very much the same thing that was denied 4 years ago by the DOD. I believe that there is a hidden agenda here. I believe that I cannot even submit my name to this without fear of reprisal at some level. I believe the ultimate goal is to create the rule book of 25 years ago where the civilian employees within DOD are not civilian employees rather milvilian employees that have different rights than any other OPM graded worker. I also believe that the ultimate goal also involves the recreation of the *good old boy* program which allowed for hire and fire at will without due process. Signed A Patriot that has sacrificed for this country, and would appreciate very much if this action is scrutinied at the highest levels of our Government.