Comment Number: OL-10510159
Received: 3/16/2005 7:12:50 AM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


Gordon England, Secy of the Navy, is quoted in the Feb 25 NSPS Update our mgmt sent us to read: "NSPS is a win-win-win system...a win for our employees, a win for our military and a win for our nation." I heartily disagree. In my opinion, and that of my co-workers, "NSPS is a LOSE-LOSE-LOSE system...a LOSS for our employees, a LOSS for our military and a LOSS for our nation." I've been proud to be in Fed Service for over 35 years, but I'm not proud of of what you are trying to do with NSPS, a thinly disguised legal return of the "Good Ole Boy" system which we have been battling, successfully because we, the employees, have rights now that we won't under NSPS.