Comment Number: OL-10510188
Received: 3/16/2005 7:34:10 AM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


My activity has been chosen to be a participant in Spiral 1.1 of the National Security Personnel System (NSPS). Since NSPS was signed into law on November 24, 2003, we have heard that there was going to be time allowed for the leadership of this organization to prepare for the Spiral One implementation. This positioning, accomplished at the organization and/or organization level, may include training in what is being called "soft skills," such as interpersonal communication, team building, and conflict management, to help people adjust to what will definitely be a cultural change. In last week’s management minutes, we learned that one person is going to be going to the train-the-trainers educational seminar. One person for an activity that has 1000 plus member! Should not several people be trained? And we are going to implement Spiral 1.1 in July 2005, and it is now the middle of March. The statement was that there “may” be “soft skills” training. There needs to be tons of “soft skills” training!!! I’ve just read that there will be three types of training for all employees: Soft Skills Training including "Coaching for High Performance" and "Maximizing Performance, "Labor and Employee Relations Training, and Technical Training. It is also states to watch for more information about this training. If Spiral 1.1 is to start in July 2005 – should not this training already be happening? Has this training even been developed yet! How much of this training are the employees going to receive? The supervisors? We need to ensure that every employee and supervisor gets the proper training. But no matter how much training is offered, NSPS is very SUBJECTIVE! Since "Pay for Performance" offers no rules for measuring performance, how am I going to be judged? By my looks, my personality, how my workspace looks, my work? Who is going to judge me? My first line supervisor, my second line and/or my third line? And who is going to ensure me that management is going to be fair to all employees and not just reward the employees they “like”, by placing them at the high end of the pay band scale. Will I have the opportunity to give my input into management’s “Pay for Performance” evaluation? We’re talking about people’s livelihoods; how “Pay for Performance” will affect one’s retirement; one’s buying power; how it will in the long run affect the economy of the United States of America. There are still lots of unanswered questions. We still need to have Labor Management relations. People need the right to appeal what may be perceived as an Adverse Action. The DOD unions need to have the power to protect the interests of all employees. Yes the system does need to be changed. But we must continue to make enhancements to improve the system, not a total redesign of the system. How much is this going to cost the taxpayers? All of us need to work together to mend thy every flaw.