Comment Number: OL-10510273
Received: 3/16/2005 8:25:27 AM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


Page 3 of Federal Register indicates that, "high performers & low are paid alike". This is not true. There has always been performance and special act awards available to reward high performance. This page also states "labor system encourages dispute oriented adversarial relationship between management & labor". Preventing pay increases based on a subjective decision by one or more managers will solve this how? Pay banding is mentioned in several areas but I see nothing about how this will be done or exactly how the funds will be made available for these pay increases if approved. As pay bands have been set up in demonstration programs, many employees are deadended in a grade they currently hold. Also page 3 states, we "use military & contractors when civilians should have been the right answer". This is due to the downsizing of civilian jobs by DOD, Congress and the administration and not the personnel system. How has the demonstration of 30,000 employees shown positive results-I want to see the evidence. This sounds a lot like the previous attempt to pay for performance in the management arena as the GM series were established and this failed. The bonus for performance was given to all GM employees and was based on a detail by the individual of how they benefited the mission.