Comment Number: OL-10511111
Received: 3/16/2005 2:04:24 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


As a US Navy veteran and a DOD civilian employee with approximately 35 years of Federal Service, I am highly concerned about the proposed new personel system. There has been inadaquate time for proper review of the proposal. The meetings held with the unions to discuss the matter were a joke and not what congress had intended. The new proposal insults veterans who risked their lives for their country. Any pay for performance system ever tried has failed. The fact that over the last four years Portsmouth Naval Shipyard spend 83% of their award money on managers and the remaining 17% on the rank and file workers illustrates how poor the pay for performance system will work. I have several documents from my employer telling me how my retirement, and pay system will work. I invest 35 years in my career and perform to the highest standards, only to be told, along with my fellow workers "we were only kidding, gotcha, we are going to change it all" is morally wrong. My employer does not contribute to the Presidential campaign, but we don't have the scandals that the large corporations, like Enron does. Apparently it is more important to fund politcal parties than to keep our country safe. This plan will impact the security of our country rather than enhance it. I am in favor of a reasonable approach to fixing problems in the existing system, but to dump and unproven, ill concieved system on our Federal workers is not in the best interest of our country. Any play used should have the full input from this nations Labor organizations (Unions), not the sham that is being done now. Congress was lied to by our administration as to the purpose and implemention of this personnel system. Congress needs to force this to start over and do it right. Respectfully submitted, Michael G. Dunn