Comment Number: OL-10511253
Received: 3/16/2005 2:44:13 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


With the new patronage pay system, which DoD calls “pay for performance,” the amount of a worker's salary will depend almost completely on the personal judgment of his or her manager. This system will force workers to compete with one another for pay raises, which will destroy teamwork, increase conflict among employees, and reward short-term outcomes. There is no guarantee that even the best workers will receive a pay raise or that the pay offered will be fair or competitive. This system will create a situation in which workers are in conflict with one another and afraid to speak out about harassment, violations of the law, and workplace safety problems. Furthermore, there will be no impartial appeal system to assure that everyone is treated fairly. Why does the government tamper with that which works. For all those who came up with this system....Walk a mile in my shoes for a brief moment. I'm the government "in the name of National Security" I'm changing the way you earn your living. You will receive a pay raise upon my justification. If I don't feel you qualify, you are out of luck. Period. I'm a GS05 step 4 and with this new system, I might as well begin to look for a part time job because I will not make it on one salary. Thank you for being concerned about the welfare of me and my family. I am grateful to have Jesus in my life who really has my best interest at heart.