Comment Number: OL-10511534
Received: 3/16/2005 3:55:08 PM
Subject: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
Title: National Security Personnel System
CFR Citation: 5 CFR Chapter XCIX and Part 9901
No Attachments


Subject: Comments on Proposed NSPS Regulations--RIN 3206-AK76/0790-AH82 (Rumsfeld DOD Personnel System Changes) 1. It was a sorry state of affairs for U.S. Government Civil Service Employees when during mid 1984; the reliable, stable and beneficial Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) was abolished, in favor of the Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS). Everyone knows that FERS “Sucks Bigtime” when compared to the previous CSRS federal employee retirement system. Now they’re attempting to “Screw Over” the Civil Service Workforce Once Again, by implementing (NSPS) i.e. “The Rumsfeld Personnel System”. NSPS personnel system (if incorporated “as-is”) will incorporate Numerous Negative Features which will be detrimental to “All” Government DOD Civil Service workers. Job Security, employee bargaining rights and many other benefits will soon be going away “if” this NSPS personnel System is implemented!!!!. 2. This proposed NSPS personnel system will give both Supervisor’s and Supervision “Way Too Much Power” over their employees. From my 31+ years of Gov’t civil service experience, I have worked for a number of Supervisors that either are or were “inept” in their positions & duties. Many are Thus, I really question SPS giving (similar) inept DOD Supervisors more control and authority over the civil service employee’s and workforce ? This looks like a Recipe for Disaster in the Making !!!!!! It will no doubt end up being another failed Government “Experiment”, which will end up costing U.S. taxpayers billions of dollars while trying to recover from it, just like BRAC has (and will continually require more “Fixes”).………. EXAMPLE: “If” NSPS is implemented, it will negatively effect government civil service employees “Should” an employee have a personality conflict with their immediate level (and employee performance rating) Supervisor. With NSPS - no matter what type of Employee you are “if” your Supervisor doesn’t like you (for whatever reason) they can arbitrarily rate you low on your appraisals - in favor of their “Suckee Buddies”. This has happened to me and to many other Government DOD Employee co-workers that I’ve know during my Civil Service Career. Removing Government DOD employee bargaining rights - is a Major step BACKWARDS!!!! 3. New NSPS personnel system will “FURTHER DEGRADE" the DOD employee's trust of both their Supervisor’s and Supervision. The vast majority of DOD Gov’t employees will tell you there’s currently a big lack of trust in place in the workforce “Already”. Thus, this NSPS (Rumsfeld) personnel system will “Further exacerbate” and make DOD workforce frustrated and angry !!!! 4. Rumsfeld NSPS personnel system (if implemented) will negatively effect employee relations and training and also our work production within the workplace!!!! “Primarily” because DOD Gov’t employees will soon “All” be competing against each other for: Promotions, Step Raises, Awards, Advancement, Recognition, Time Off Awards, Etc., Etc. I’ve already heard conversation’s within my office workplace that; “I’m not going to share my experience, knowledge and/or teach anyone else “Anything” about what I know - if this new (Rumsfeld) Personnel System is implemented. In effect nobody knows what I know - and I’m keeping it that way!!!! Eventually, the quality quantity, and accuracy of our workload will be negatively effected, as will our ability to provide accurate and timely responses to our “Military Customers” and Major Commands. Some DOD personnel have stated their planning to leave DOD and transfer to “Other” Gov’t Jobs / Agencies (if NSPS is implemented). 5. This new personnel system will directly support “NEPOTISM” ( i.e. the Hiring and Promotions of immediate or extended family members, friends, neighbors, other church members and significant others’. This is a big problem here @ OO-ALC Depot where NEPOSISM is well and is "FLOURISHING" here.