New resolution: Colin
Powell | |
 | The United States will present a draft
resolution to the UN Security Council this week, calling for a
political timetable and multinational force for Iraq.
Secretary of State Colin Powell said the draft resolution
would invite the Iraqi governing council to submit a plan and
a timetable for its political evolution.
"The second key element in the resolution will be a
multinational force, authorisation of a multinational force
under unified command".
Mr Powell said US Ambassador to the UN, John Negroponte,
would lobby other UN ambassadors and foreign ministers in a
bid to garner support for the resolution.
He said he had already been in contact with British Foreign
Minister Jack Straw and Foreign Ministers Igor Ivanov of
Russia, Joschka Fischer of Germany and Dominique de Villepin
of France.
"The initial response so far has been positive," Mr Powell
President Bush is said to be prepared to relinquish some of
America's political authority in Iraq in exchange for more
international troops to help police the country.
The US had initially signalled its intent to lead the
rebuilding of Iraq with the help of only a handful of nations,
including Britain.
But the mounting cost - both financially and in terms of
casualties - has forced it into a climbdown.
Several key nations, including India, Pakistan, Turkey and
Russia, have refused to help the Coalition without a more
assertive UN role.
Last week, deputy secretary of state Richard Armitage, said
America may be willing to accept UN leadership of an
international force if commanded by a US general.
The post-war operation in Iraq is costing the United States
about $3.9 billion a month, and has strained the American
military, which has about 140,000 troops stationed
there. |