Balance Sheet
                                 As of 7/ 1'02

COUNCIL-All Accounts                                                      Page 1

                                                       7/ 1'02
                                Acct                  Balance
                ----------------------------------- -----------

                  Cash and Bank Accounts
                    CASH LEDGER                      -17,012.82
                    USBank                            17,012.82
                  Total Cash and Bank Accounts             0.00

                TOTAL ASSETS                               0.00
                LIABILITIES & EQUITY

                  LIABILITIES                              0.00
                  EQUITY                                   0.00
                TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                 0.00

                                Cash Flow Report
                             7/ 1'02 Through 7/31'02

COUNCIL-Bank, Cash, CC Account                                            Page 1

                                                     7/ 1'02-
                   Category Description              7/31'02
             -------------------------------- --------------------
               Administrative Exp:
                 Bank Charges                      10.09
                 Communications                    70.70
                 EBoard $500                      330.48
               Total Administrative Exp                     411.27
               Travel Expenses:
                 Fees & Misc                      200.00
                 PerDeim                        1,754.80
                 Travel Costs                     955.00
               Total Travel Expenses                      2,909.80
               Outflows - Other                               0.00
             TOTAL OUTFLOWS                               3,321.07

                               Transaction Report
                             7/ 1'02 Through 7/31'02

COUNCIL-All Accounts                                                      Page 1

  Date   Acct     Num         Description              Memo        Clr Amount
 ----- -------- ------ ------------------------ ------------------  - ---------

  7/15 Financia AUTH   EBoard $194.63 to Pay Ke Hotel Phone Bill.          0.00
  7/25 Financia Auth   EBoard $10.90 to pay Kel Hotel Phone Bill J         0.00
  7/25 Financia Auth   EBoard $124.95 to Pay Co Cell Phone - Jul E         0.00
       Total FinancialMotion                                               0.00

  7/ 5 USBank   1002 S Kelley Dull              DFCON 15-17JUL02 N  X   -589.00
  7/16 USBank   1003   Kelley Dull              HOTEL PHONE REIMBU  X   -194.63
  7/25 USBank   1004   Kelley Dull              HOTEL PHONE REIMBU  X    -10.90
  7/31 USBank          Service Charge                               X    -10.09
  7/31 USBank   1005 S Kelley Dull              Nat Ldrshp Mtg 17-  X -1,035.80
  7/31 USBank   1006 S Constance Townes         Nat Ldrshp Mtg 17-  X -1,285.00
  7/31 USBank   1007   Constance Townes         Reimbursement Jun0  X   -124.95
  7/31 USBank   1008   Constance Townes         Reimbursement May0  X    -70.70
       Total USBank                                                   -3,321.07
       OVERALL TOTAL                                                  -3,321.07

                               2002 Budget Report
                             1/ 1'02 Through 7/31'02

COUNCIL-All Accounts                                                      Page 1

                                           1/ 1'02     -       7/31'02
           Category Description          Actual      Budget       Diff
     -------------------------------- -----------------------------------
         National Rebate                   843.00    4,855.20   -4,012.20
         PERCAPITA                       3,538.81    4,046.00     -507.19
                                       ----------  ----------  ----------
       TOTAL INCOME                      4,381.81    8,901.20   -4,519.39
                                       ----------  ----------  ----------
     TOTAL INFLOWS                       4,381.81    8,901.20   -4,519.39

       Administrative Exp:
         Bank Charges                       74.46        0.00       74.46
         Communications                     70.70      291.62     -220.92
         Council Meeting Exp             2,142.71    2,916.62     -773.91
         EBoard $500                       769.17    3,500.00   -2,730.83
         Office Expenses:
           Equipment                         0.00      583.31     -583.31
           Office Expenses - Other           0.00      583.31     -583.31
                                       ----------  ----------  ----------
         Total Office Expenses               0.00    1,166.62   -1,166.62
                                       ----------  ----------  ----------
       Total Administrative Exp          3,057.04    7,874.86   -4,817.82
       Training Expenses:
         Officer Training                    0.00    1,750.00   -1,750.00
                                       ----------  ----------  ----------
       Total Training Expenses               0.00    1,750.00   -1,750.00
       Travel Expenses:
         Fees & Misc                       200.00        0.00      200.00
         PerDeim                         1,754.80        0.00    1,754.80
         Travel Costs                      955.00        0.00      955.00
         Travel Expenses - Other             0.00    3,500.00   -3,500.00
                                       ----------  ----------  ----------
       Total Travel Expenses             2,909.80    3,500.00     -590.20
                                       ----------  ----------  ----------
     TOTAL OUTFLOWS                      5,966.84   13,124.86   -7,158.02

                                       ----------  ----------  ----------
     OVERALL TOTAL                      -1,585.03   -4,223.66    2,638.63
                                       ==========  ==========  ==========

                           PerCapita Report By Locals
                             7/ 1'02 Through 7/31'02

COUNCIL-CASH LEDGER                                                       Page 1

  Date   Num           Description                    Memo          Clr Amount
 ----- ------ ----------------------------- -----------------------  - --------
       OVERALL TOTAL                                                       0.00

                                 Balance Sheet
                                 As of 7/31'02

COUNCIL-All Accounts                                                      Page 1

                                Acct                  Balance
                ----------------------------------- -----------

                  Cash and Bank Accounts
                    CASH LEDGER                      -17,012.82
                    USBank                            17,012.82
                  Total Cash and Bank Accounts             0.00

                TOTAL ASSETS                               0.00
                LIABILITIES & EQUITY

                  LIABILITIES                              0.00
                  EQUITY                                   0.00
                TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                 0.00