Balance Sheet
                                 As of 9/ 1'02

COUNCIL-All Accounts                                                      Page 1

                                                       9/ 1'02
                                Acct                  Balance
                ----------------------------------- -----------

                  Cash and Bank Accounts
                    CASH LEDGER                      -17,012.82
                    USBank                            17,012.82
                  Total Cash and Bank Accounts             0.00

                TOTAL ASSETS                               0.00
                LIABILITIES & EQUITY

                  LIABILITIES                              0.00
                  EQUITY                                   0.00
                TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                 0.00

                                Cash Flow Report
                             9/ 1'02 Through 9/30'02

COUNCIL-Bank, Cash, CC Account                                            Page 1

                                                     9/ 1'02-
              Category Description                   9/30'02
        -------------------------------- ------------------------------
            PERCAPITA                                1,093.85
          TOTAL INCOME                                         1,093.85
        TOTAL INFLOWS                                          1,093.85

          Administrative Exp:
            Office Expenses:
              Equipment                      125.65
            Total Office Expenses                      125.65
          Total Administrative Exp                               125.65
          Training Expenses:
            Officer Training:
              Fees & Misc                  1,500.00
              PerDiem                        767.52
              Travel                         359.70
            Total Officer Training                   2,627.22
          Total Training Expenses                              2,627.22
          Travel Expenses:
            PerDeim                                  1,897.80
            Travel Costs                               485.50
          Total Travel Expenses                                2,383.30
          Outflows - Other                                         0.00
        TOTAL OUTFLOWS                                         5,136.17

        OVERALL TOTAL                                         -4,042.32

                               Transaction Report
                             9/ 1'02 Through 9/30'02

COUNCIL-All Accounts                                                      Page 1

  Date   Acct     Num         Description              Memo        Clr Amount
 ----- -------- ------ ------------------------ ------------------  - ---------

  9/25 CASH LED        CK L2040 Denver          JUN02 #9333 #185          46.25
  9/26 CASH LED        CK L2040 Denver          JUL02 #9357 #206          51.50
  9/27 CASH LED        CK L2040 Denver          AUG02 #9364 #211          52.75
  9/27 CASH LED        CK L1411 Indianapolis    MAY02 #14237 #331         82.75
  9/27 CASH LED        CK L1411 Indianapolis    JUN02 #14238 #331         82.75
  9/27 CASH LED        CK L1411 Indianapolis    JUL02 #14239 #322         80.50
  9/27 CASH LED        CK L1399 SanDiego        JUN02 #8176 #93           27.90
  9/27 CASH LED        CK L1148 Columbus        JUL02 #8269 #208          52.00
  9/28 CASH LED        CK L0015 Rock Island     JAN-JUN02 #2168 #3        57.00
  9/28 CASH LED        CK L0601 Dayton          MAY-JUL02 #1172 #3        26.75
  9/28 CASH LED        CK L0201 Rome            JUN01-JUN02 # #70        210.00
  9/28 CASH LED        CK L2040 Denver          SEP02 #9383 #211          52.75
  9/28 CASH LED        CK L1399 SanDiego        JUL02 #8202 #95           28.50
  9/28 CASH LED        CK L1399 SanDiego        SEP02 #8247 #94           28.20
  9/28 CASH LED        CK L1148 Columbus        SEP02 #8314 #213          53.25
  9/28 CASH LED        CK L1411 Indianapolis    AUG02 #14240 #345         86.25
  9/28 CASH LED        CK L1533 Oakland         JUL-DEC02 #3133 #3        58.50
  9/28 CASH LED        CK L0294 Limestone       JUN02 #199 #31             7.75
  9/29 CASH LED        CK L0294 Limestone       AUG02 #210 #34             8.50
       TOTAL CASH LEDGER                                               1,093.85

  9/30 Financia ADD    EBoard $500 to Travel Li Sept Expenditure A         0.00
       Total FinancialMotion                                               0.00

  9/ 9 USBank   1009 S Mark McDonald            Reg CB 13-18Oct02   X -1,500.00
  9/10 USBank   1010   Mark McDonald            Reimburesement Tap  X   -125.65
  9/29 USBank   1011 S VOID:Kelley Dull         CB Trng 13-18Oct02  X      0.00
  9/30 USBank   1012 S Robin Smith              CB Trng 13-18Oct02  X -1,431.20
  9/30 USBank   1013 S Kelley Dull              CB Trng 13-18Oct02  X -1,127.22
  9/30 USBank   1014 S Constance Townes         CB Trng 13-18Oct02  X   -952.10
       Total USBank                                                   -5,136.17
       OVERALL TOTAL                                                  -4,042.32

                               2002 Budget Report
                             1/ 1'02 Through 9/30'02

COUNCIL-All Accounts                                                      Page 1

                                           1/ 1'02     -       9/30'02
           Category Description          Actual      Budget       Diff
     -------------------------------- -----------------------------------
         National Rebate                   843.00    6,242.40   -5,399.40
         PERCAPITA                       4,632.66    5,202.00     -569.34
                                       ----------  ----------  ----------
       TOTAL INCOME                      5,475.66   11,444.40   -5,968.74
                                       ----------  ----------  ----------
     TOTAL INFLOWS                       5,475.66   11,444.40   -5,968.74

       Administrative Exp:
         Bank Charges                       74.46        0.00       74.46
         Communications                     70.70      374.94     -304.24
         Council Meeting Exp             2,142.71    3,749.94   -1,607.23
         EBoard $500                       769.17    4,500.00   -3,730.83
         Office Expenses:
           Equipment                       125.65      749.97     -624.32
           Office Expenses - Other           0.00      749.97     -749.97
                                       ----------  ----------  ----------
         Total Office Expenses             125.65    1,499.94   -1,374.29
                                       ----------  ----------  ----------
       Total Administrative Exp          3,182.69   10,124.82   -6,942.13
       Training Expenses:
         Officer Training:
           Fees & Misc                   1,500.00        0.00    1,500.00
           PerDiem                         767.52        0.00      767.52
           Travel                          359.70        0.00      359.70
           Officer Training - Other          0.00    2,250.00   -2,250.00
                                       ----------  ----------  ----------
         Total Officer Training          2,627.22    2,250.00      377.22
                                       ----------  ----------  ----------
       Total Training Expenses           2,627.22    2,250.00      377.22
       Travel Expenses:
         Fees & Misc                       200.00        0.00      200.00
         PerDeim                         3,652.60        0.00    3,652.60
         Travel Costs                    1,440.50        0.00    1,440.50
         Travel Expenses - Other             0.00    4,500.00   -4,500.00
                                       ----------  ----------  ----------
       Total Travel Expenses             5,293.10    4,500.00      793.10
                                       ----------  ----------  ----------
     TOTAL OUTFLOWS                     11,103.01   16,874.82   -5,771.81

                                       ----------  ----------  ----------
     OVERALL TOTAL                      -5,627.35   -5,430.42     -196.93
                                       ==========  ==========  ==========

                           PerCapita Report By Locals
                             9/ 1'02 Through 9/30'02

COUNCIL-CASH LEDGER                                                       Page 1

  Date   Num           Description                   Memo          Clr Amount
 ----- ------ ---------------------------- -----------------------  - ---------

  9/28        CK L0015 Rock Island         JAN-JUN02 #2168 #38            57.00
       Total CK L0015 Rock Island                                         57.00

  9/28        CK L0201 Rome                JUN01-JUN02 # #70             210.00
       Total CK L0201 Rome                                               210.00

  9/28        CK L0294 Limestone           JUN02 #199 #31                  7.75
  9/29        CK L0294 Limestone           AUG02 #210 #34                  8.50
       Total CK L0294 Limestone                                           16.25

  9/28        CK L0601 Dayton              MAY-JUL02 #1172 #35            26.75
       Total CK L0601 Dayton                                              26.75

  9/27        CK L1148 Columbus            JUL02 #8269 #208               52.00
  9/28        CK L1148 Columbus            SEP02 #8314 #213               53.25
       Total CK L1148 Columbus                                           105.25

  9/27        CK L1399 SanDiego            JUN02 #8176 #93                27.90
  9/28        CK L1399 SanDiego            JUL02 #8202 #95                28.50
  9/28        CK L1399 SanDiego            SEP02 #8247 #94                28.20
       Total CK L1399 SanDiego                                            84.60

  9/27        CK L1411 Indianapolis        MAY02 #14237 #331              82.75
  9/27        CK L1411 Indianapolis        JUN02 #14238 #331              82.75
  9/27        CK L1411 Indianapolis        JUL02 #14239 #322              80.50
  9/28        CK L1411 Indianapolis        AUG02 #14240 #345              86.25
       Total CK L1411 Indianapolis                                       332.25

  9/28        CK L1533 Oakland             JUL-DEC02 #3133 #33            58.50
       Total CK L1533 Oakland                                             58.50

  9/25        CK L2040 Denver              JUN02 #9333 #185               46.25
  9/26        CK L2040 Denver              JUL02 #9357 #206               51.50
  9/27        CK L2040 Denver              AUG02 #9364 #211               52.75
  9/28        CK L2040 Denver              SEP02 #9383 #211               52.75
       Total CK L2040 Denver                                             203.25
       OVERALL TOTAL                                                   1,093.85

                                 Balance Sheet
                                 As of 9/30'02

COUNCIL-All Accounts                                                      Page 1

                                Acct                  Balance
                ----------------------------------- -----------

                  Cash and Bank Accounts
                    CASH LEDGER                      -17,012.82
                    USBank                            17,012.82
                  Total Cash and Bank Accounts             0.00

                TOTAL ASSETS                               0.00
                LIABILITIES & EQUITY

                  LIABILITIES                              0.00
                  EQUITY                                   0.00
                TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                 0.00