Balance Sheet
                                 As of 11/ 1'02

COUNCIL-All Accounts                                                      Page 1

                                                      11/ 1'02
                                Acct                  Balance
                ----------------------------------- -----------

                  Cash and Bank Accounts
                    CASH LEDGER                      -18,106.67
                    USBank                            18,106.67
                  Total Cash and Bank Accounts             0.00

                TOTAL ASSETS                               0.00
                LIABILITIES & EQUITY

                  LIABILITIES                              0.00
                  EQUITY                                   0.00
                TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                 0.00

                                Cash Flow Report
                           11/ 1'02 Through 11/30'02

COUNCIL-Bank, Cash, CC Account                                            Page 1

                                                    11/ 1'02-
                     Category Description           11/30'02
               -------------------------------- ----------------
                   PERCAPITA                       86.10
                 TOTAL INCOME                              86.10
               TOTAL INFLOWS                               86.10

                 Administrative Exp:
                   EBoard $500                    514.48
                 Total Administrative Exp                 514.48
                 Outflows - Other                           0.00
               TOTAL OUTFLOWS                             514.48

               OVERALL TOTAL                             -428.38

                               Transaction Report
                           11/ 1'02 Through 11/30'02

COUNCIL-All Accounts                                                      Page 1

  Date   Acct     Num         Description              Memo        Clr Amount
 ----- -------- ------ ------------------------ ------------------  - ---------

 11/27 CASH LED        CK L1399 SanDiego        NOV02 #8285 #92           27.60
 11/27 CASH LED        CK L1148 Columbus        DEC02 #8417 #234          58.50
 11/27 CASH LED        Transfer to Checking                           -1,004.15
       TOTAL CASH LEDGER                                                -918.05

 11/21 Financia Auth   Reimburse Ed Wiatr $473. Photocopy costs            0.00
       Total FinancialMotion                                               0.00

 11/ 1 USBank   1018   VOID:                                        X      0.00
 11/ 1 USBank   1019   Wiliam Roach             Reimbursement Cell  X    -41.15
 11/21 USBank   1020   Edmund Wiatr             Photocopies/Paper   X   -473.33
 11/27 USBank          Transfer to Checking                         X  1,004.15
       Total USBank                                                      489.67
       OVERALL TOTAL                                                    -428.38

                               2002 Budget Report
                            1/ 1'02 Through 11/30'02

COUNCIL-All Accounts                                                      Page 1

                                           1/ 1'02     -      11/30'02
           Category Description          Actual      Budget       Diff
     -------------------------------- -----------------------------------
         National Rebate                   843.00    7,629.60   -6,786.60
         PERCAPITA                       5,636.81    6,358.00     -721.19
                                       ----------  ----------  ----------
       TOTAL INCOME                      6,479.81   13,987.60   -7,507.79
                                       ----------  ----------  ----------
     TOTAL INFLOWS                       6,479.81   13,987.60   -7,507.79

       Administrative Exp:
         Bank Charges                       74.46        0.00       74.46
         Communications                    260.04      458.26     -198.22
         Council Meeting Exp             2,142.71    4,583.26   -2,440.55
         EBoard $500                     1,283.65    5,500.00   -4,216.35
         Office Expenses:
           Equipment                       125.65      916.63     -790.98
           Postage                          45.39        0.00       45.39
           Office Expenses - Other           0.00      916.63     -916.63
                                       ----------  ----------  ----------
         Total Office Expenses             171.04    1,833.26   -1,662.22
                                       ----------  ----------  ----------
       Total Administrative Exp          3,931.90   12,374.78   -8,442.88
       Training Expenses:
         Officer Training:
           Fees & Misc                   1,500.00        0.00    1,500.00
           PerDiem                         767.52        0.00      767.52
           Travel                          359.70        0.00      359.70
           Officer Training - Other          0.00    2,750.00   -2,750.00
                                       ----------  ----------  ----------
         Total Officer Training          2,627.22    2,750.00     -122.78
                                       ----------  ----------  ----------
       Total Training Expenses           2,627.22    2,750.00     -122.78
       Travel Expenses:
         Fees & Misc                       200.00        0.00      200.00
         PerDeim                         4,420.12        0.00    4,420.12
         Travel Costs                    2,198.55        0.00    2,198.55
         Travel Expenses - Other             0.00    5,500.00   -5,500.00
                                       ----------  ----------  ----------
       Total Travel Expenses             6,818.67    5,500.00    1,318.67
                                       ----------  ----------  ----------
     TOTAL OUTFLOWS                     13,377.79   20,624.78   -7,246.99

                                       ----------  ----------  ----------
     OVERALL TOTAL                      -6,897.98   -6,637.18     -260.80
                                       ==========  ==========  ==========

                           PerCapita Report By Locals
                           11/ 1'02 Through 11/30'02

COUNCIL-CASH LEDGER                                                       Page 1

  Date   Num           Description                   Memo          Clr Amount
 ----- ------ ---------------------------- -----------------------  - ---------

 11/27        CK L1148 Columbus            DEC02 #8417 #234               58.50
       Total CK L1148 Columbus                                            58.50

 11/27        CK L1399 SanDiego            NOV02 #8285 #92                27.60
       Total CK L1399 SanDiego                                            27.60

 11/27        Transfer to Checking                                    -1,004.15
       Total Transfer to Checking                                     -1,004.15
       OVERALL TOTAL                                                    -918.05

                                 Balance Sheet
                                 As of 11/30'02

COUNCIL-All Accounts                                                      Page 1

                                Acct                  Balance
                ----------------------------------- -----------

                  Cash and Bank Accounts
                    CASH LEDGER                      -19,110.82
                    USBank                            19,110.82
                  Total Cash and Bank Accounts             0.00

                TOTAL ASSETS                               0.00
                LIABILITIES & EQUITY

                  LIABILITIES                              0.00
                  EQUITY                                   0.00
                TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                 0.00